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Ban Illegal Wildlife Trade. Forever.

Social Campaign

Poster Design


Amidst the global turmoil wrought by COVID-19, it is imperative to take decisive action to address its root causes and prevent future pandemics. One critical measure is the permanent prohibition of illegal wildlife trade. Banishing this nefarious practice from our societies is not merely a passing trend or a temporary fix; it is a long-term commitment to safeguarding public health and preserving biodiversity. 

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As this pandemic may fade from the headlines, its lessons remain vivid and urgent. The visual representation of this message aims to shock and captivate, serving as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the consumption of wild animals.


The sauces on the plate morph into ominous animal forms, compelling viewers to confront the stark reality of the consequences of illegal wildlife trade. Let this be a call to action, resonating far beyond the confines of current events, to ensure a safer, healthier future for all.

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Photobook Design
More and more people are resorting to disguising themselves to fit in with societal norms. This involves altering their appearance, behavior, or beliefs to mimic those around them, all to gain acceptance and survival within a particular group or community.
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