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Beauty Standard

Installation Art Design


The prevalence of societal pressure to conform to conventional beauty standards has led to a concerning rise in self-consciousness and insecurity among young women. Comparisons with those who seemingly fit these standards exacerbate these feelings, creating a pervasive sense of inadequacy and fear of failure. This pressure not only shapes perceptions of self-worth but also influences individuals' beliefs about their potential for success.

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The design of the poster reflects the suffocating nature of these societal expectations, depicting physical chains that bind the definition of beauty alongside the invisible chains that constrain our thoughts and perceptions. These chains, depicted in various forms and shapes, A4 waist and percentage, vividly portray the oppressive nature of beauty standards.

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The accompanying installation art further engages viewers in a thought-provoking interactive experience. By scanning a QR code, participants are prompted to select keywords representing their beauty standards. This process not only encourages introspection but also promotes the appreciation of diverse aesthetics.


After making their selections, participants are invited to share their thoughts on a designated wall, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. This interactive platform allows individuals to express themselves freely and encourages dialogue about beauty standards and self-perception complexities. Through these combined efforts, the project aims to challenge rigid beauty norms and promote inclusivity and acceptance of diverse forms of beauty.

Poster Design
Amidst the global turmoil wrought by COVID-19, it is imperative to take decisive action to address its root causes and prevent future pandemics.
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